I went to my first LondonR meeting tonight hosted by Mango solutions . Some really great talks - especially presentatiosn by Matt Sundquist of plotly.
Mango solutions also presented a good introduction to ggvis
and some of the interactive elements. I’ve included my notes from the event below. Note that the visualisations from ggvis will not render properly here. You will need to reproduce the document in RStudio to see them.
Note that much of the code used for ggvis had already become deprecated!
library ( dplyr )
library ( ggplot2 )
tubeData <- read.table (
"tubeData.csv" ,
sep = "," ,
header = T
str ( tubeData )
## 'data.frame': 1050 obs. of 9 variables:
## $ Line : Factor w/ 10 levels "Bakerloo","Central",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ Month : int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
## $ Scheduled: num 29.4 29.4 29.3 29.3 29.3 ...
## $ Excess : num 6.04 6.54 4.77 5.4 5.23 5.03 5.14 5.73 4.8 5.95 ...
## $ TOTAL : num 35.5 36 34.1 34.7 34.5 ...
## $ Opened : int 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 ...
## $ Length : num 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 ...
## $ Type : Factor w/ 2 levels "DT","SS": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
## $ Stations : int 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 ...
The Data
ggplot2 recap
or ggplot
Add layers with +
Change aesthetics by variable with aes
Control plot type with geom
Panel using facet_
head ( tubeData )
## Line Month Scheduled Excess TOTAL Opened Length Type Stations
## 1 Bakerloo 1 29.42 6.04 35.46 1906 23.2 DT 25
## 2 Bakerloo 2 29.42 6.54 35.96 1906 23.2 DT 25
## 3 Bakerloo 3 29.30 4.77 34.08 1906 23.2 DT 25
## 4 Bakerloo 4 29.30 5.40 34.70 1906 23.2 DT 25
## 5 Bakerloo 5 29.30 5.23 34.53 1906 23.2 DT 25
## 6 Bakerloo 6 29.30 5.03 34.33 1906 23.2 DT 25
qplot (
data = tubeData ,
x = Month ,
y = Excess
qplot (
data = tubeData ,
x = Month ,
y = Excess ,
col = Line
qplot (
data = tubeData ,
x = Month ,
y = Excess ,
col = Line
) +
facet_wrap (
~ Line
qplot (
data = tubeData ,
x = Month ,
y = Excess ,
col = Line
) +
facet_wrap (
~ Line
) +
geom_smooth (
col = "red" ,
size = 1
The ‘geoms’
grep (
"geom" ,
objects ( "package:ggplot2" ),
value = TRUE
## [1] "geom_abline" "geom_area" "geom_bar"
## [4] "geom_bin2d" "geom_blank" "geom_boxplot"
## [7] "geom_contour" "geom_crossbar" "geom_density"
## [10] "geom_density2d" "geom_dotplot" "geom_errorbar"
## [13] "geom_errorbarh" "geom_freqpoly" "geom_hex"
## [16] "geom_histogram" "geom_hline" "geom_jitter"
## [19] "geom_line" "geom_linerange" "geom_map"
## [22] "geom_path" "geom_point" "geom_pointrange"
## [25] "geom_polygon" "geom_quantile" "geom_raster"
## [28] "geom_rect" "geom_ribbon" "geom_rug"
## [31] "geom_segment" "geom_smooth" "geom_step"
## [34] "geom_text" "geom_tile" "geom_violin"
## [37] "geom_vline" "update_geom_defaults"
Panels using facet_wrap
and facet_grid
Scales and themes
axes and styles
themes e.g. theme_bw
qplot (
data = tubeData ,
x = Month ,
y = Excess ,
col = Line
) +
facet_wrap (
~ Line
) +
geom_smooth (
col = "red" ,
size = 1
) +
theme_bw ()
Getting started with ggvis
Plot with ggvis
Only a single function unlike ggplot1
Use ~
when referring to variables in a dataset, e.g. ~Ozone
This refers to variables as formulas
First variable always data.
require ( ggvis )
myPlot <- ggvis (
tubeData ,
~ Month ,
~ Excess
# Creates a ggvis object:
class ( myPlot )
## [1] "ggvis"
# Graphic is produced in the Viewer pane, not the Plots pane. Works via java vega a .d3 package
# Note settings cog in the top right which allows you to change the rendering of teh plot.
# Can view in web browser and then be saved as an html file.
# Because it is not written to standard plotting device, you need to render the graphoc before you can save it out - i.e. no png or pdf command
# No equivalent script to save out of ggvis - must be saved from a browser
layer_points ( myPlot )
# Can also be used in the pupe
myPlot %>% layer_points
The %>% operator
uses %>%
from magrittr
like dplyr
mean ( airquality $ Ozone , na.rm = TRUE )
## [1] 42.12931
# Now with the pipe
airquality $ Ozone %>% mean ( na.rm = TRUE )
## [1] 42.12931
# dplyr example
require ( dplyr )
tubeData %>%
dplyr :: group_by ( Line ) %>%
dplyr :: summarise ( mean = mean ( Excess )) %>%
qplot ( Line , mean , data = . , geom = "bar" , stat = "identity" , fill = Line )
%>% in ggvis
We pass ggvis
objects mostly.
All functions accept a ggvis object first, except the command ggvis
Initial ggvis
object is created with the ggvis
tubeData %>%
ggvis (
~ Month ,
~ Excess
) %>%
Changing properties
Properties in ggvis
are the same as aesthetics in ggplot2
Number of aesthetics that can be set:
stroke – refers to lines
opacity – instead of alpha
Changing based on variables
Mapping and setting as with aes
Map a variable to a property with =
Remember to use ~
with all variable names
fill = ~Line would set the fill based on the Line variable
tubeData %>%
ggvis (
~ Month ,
~ Excess
) %>%
layer_points (
fill = ~ Line
tubeData %>%
ggvis (
~ Month ,
~ Excess
) %>%
layer_points (
fill = ~ Line ,
shape = ~ Line
tubeData %>%
ggvis (
~ Month ,
~ Excess
) %>%
layer_points (
size = ~ Stations
# can be set for all layers:
tubeData %>%
ggvis (
~ Month ,
~ Excess ,
fill = ~ Line
) %>%
Setting property values
Instead of col = I("red")
in ggplot2
is not required. This prevents ggplot2
picking red up as a fcator.
fill := "red"
will work in ggvis
tubeData %>%
ggvis (
~ Month ,
~ Excess ,
fill = "red" ,
opacity := 0.5
) %>%
tubeData %>%
ggvis (
~ Month ,
~ Excess ,
fill := "red" ,
opacity := 0.5
) %>%
Shaping has changed in ggvis as it is dependent on .d3
At the moment a limited subset only is available
tubeData %>%
ggvis (
~ Month ,
~ Excess ,
fill := "red" ,
opacity := 0.5 ,
shape := "square"
) %>%
Create a plot of mpg
against wt
using mtcars
Use colour for the cyl
variable, and make it a factor
Update the plotting symbol to be triangles
mtcars %>%
ggvis (
~ mpg ,
~ wt
) %>%
layer_points (
fill = ~ factor ( cyl ),
# Why doesn't this work!?
shape := "triangle-up"
Adding layers
In ggvis
we use layer_
instead of geom_
Major limitation of ggvis
at present, as not all of the geoms_
are vailable as layer_
in ggvis
Check package manual:
tubeData %>%
ggvis (
~ Line ,
~ Excess
) %>%
layer_boxplots ()
# Adding some extra layers
mtcars %>%
ggvis (
~ mpg ,
~ wt
) %>%
layer_points (
fill = ~ factor ( cyl ),
# Why doesn't this work!?
shape := "triangle"
) %>%
layer_smooths () %>%
layer_model_predictions (
model = "lm"
# Note that formula can be specified with formula = ...
mtcars %>%
ggvis (
~ mpg ,
~ wt
) %>%
layer_points (
fill = ~ factor ( cyl ),
# Why doesn't this work!?
shape := "triangle"
) %>%
layer_smooths (
stroke := "blue" ,
se = TRUE
) %>%
layer_model_predictions (
model = "lm" ,
stroke := "red" ,
se = TRUE
Making plots interactive
Basic interactivity
Most basic level is ‘hover over’ just like in javascript.
Properties of the properties are changed to achive this.
argument: fill.hover := "red"
, or size.hover
, opacity.hover
, etc.
tubeData %>%
ggvis (
~ Month ,
~ Excess
) %>%
layer_points (
fill = ~ Line ,
fill.hover := "red" ,
size.hover := 1500 # sizes are very different to R graphics!
# This behaviour is saved into the html or svg file!
adds other behaviour on hover..
We can provide a function that provide information as we hover.
tubeData %>%
ggvis (
~ Month ,
~ Excess
) %>%
layer_points (
fill = ~ Line ,
fill.hover := "red" ,
size.hover := 1500 # sizes are very different to R graphics!
) %>%
add_tooltip (
function ( data ) data $ Excess
# Locks off R console - cannot be used in markdown
pkData $ id <- seq_along ( pkData $ Subject )
all_values <- function ( x ) {
pkData %>% ggvis (
~ Time ,
~ Conc ,
key = ~ id # ggvis defined
) %>%
layer_points () %>%
add_tooltip (
all_values ,
We can set outputs to be taken from interactive inputs
opacity := input_slider(0,1, label = "Opacity")
We use the ":="
for this input
We can optionally set labels next to the control - unlink shiny
where it is not optional
Currently you are limited to changing the properties of the data, not the data itself.
tubeData %>%
ggvis (
~ Month ,
~ Excess
) %>%
layer_points (
fill = ~ Line ,
size := input_slider ( 10 , 1000 , label = "Size of points" )
tubeData %>%
ggvis (
~ Month ,
~ Excess
) %>%
layer_points (
size := input_numeric ( 30 , label = "Size" ),
opacity := input_slider ( 0 , 1 , value = 0.7 , label = "Opacity" ),
fill := input_select ( c ( "red" , "blue" , "orange" ), label = "Colour" )
Common plot functions
Controlling axes and legends
We can control the axes using the add_axis function
This controls acis labels, tick marks and even grid lines
Title workaround is to use add_axis
add_axis("x", title = "Month")
controls colour of gridlines, etc
The add_legend
and hide_legend
functions allow use to control if we see a legend and wheere it appears
ggvis had fewer scale functions than in ggplot2
but control much more.
just seven functions at present
grep (
"^scale" ,
objects ( "package:ggvis" ),
value = TRUE
## [1] "scale_datetime" "scaled_value" "scale_logical" "scale_nominal"
## [5] "scale_numeric" "scale_ordinal" "scale_singular"
ggvis vs ggplot2
we can layer graphics in a simlar fashion
aesthetics can be set baswed on by variables in the data
We cancontrol the type of plot
How are they different?
Only one main function
Layering with %>%
Fewer scale functions
Much functionality not available… but coming…
Which should I use
Static graphics: ggplot2
Interactive graphics ggvis